
Our Logical Day at Work

Everyday BS We all Love to Hate

First Day of Work

The intent of writing is to find enjoyment for the reader of all the funny things that happen at work. Call it modern day Dilbert or whatever you need.

I’m one of one males in the office full of non-technical women sales associates.  To put a positive spin on the situation this is my attempt at humanizing work and humorizing our lives.  Share your similar stories, would love to hear them @Popsicle Crunch

So, what’s it like being surrounded by women in the office all day?

Oh it’s great when you need to take a dump.

Moving on, Engineering and Marketing don’t usually mix.  If they do you’ve found a great company.  To put context on this, we were trying to explain why you couldn’t convert m2 to yards to a marketing woman.  The conversation went a little like this today:

Brenda, “This customer wants to quote in yards for this material roll, How do you convert our list price of m2 to yards?”

Chad, “You can’t convert m2 to yards, that’s not possible”

Brenda, “Well why not, the customer wants the material quoted in yards and needs to be done”

Chad, “Yards don’t convert to m2, even if we could it’s just not possible.  However since we know for that roll what the width is, technically we can convert that for the customer”

Brenda, “Well can you do it for me?”

Chad, “No, it’s your customer”

Brenda, “But I don’t know how its so complicated”

Chad, “It’s not that bad, just use google and a calculator”

Brenda, “I don’t know how, you’re so smart you can do it really easily, PLEASE Chad?”

#Work #EngineeringMSdegree

Update to Big Comfy

An update to the Big Comfy Story has developed.  Someone stole the car from the owners that I sold the 96′ Buick Regal to in February.  Such a shame.  It’s amazing in this world that people feel the need to steal such important items to individuals.  If at first we want to complain about fixing the economy could we at least first look in our own neighborhoods to make them better by looking at ourselves?

I’m upset that someone stole the car, but in the grand scheme of things an brown top, black car with silver luggage rack is a car that will stick out to the Police.  Maybe there is hope (probably not).  That car was a lifeline to a soon to be family with a newborn.  Would you steal a car knowing that information?  You’d never hurt your family, but aren’t we all family in this game of life?

Goodbye Big Comfy, The End of an Era

Year: 2010.  Location: parking lot. Scene:  I’m budding with excitement looking at purchasing a new car.  Budget: 5,000.

I’m in a furniture store parking lot and I’ve got two options.  One of the options wasn’t not buying a car.  I just got a job for Basic Chemical Solutions and required a car to get from West Philadelphia to Morrisville, Pa (Construction Parkway).  The options were a 100k mile 03′ Nissan Sentra that a guy smoked heavily inside of and a 40k mile Buick Regal ’96 driven by a grandma.

Yellow mustard Nissan Sentra had no chance versus the black body Buick Regal with a brown hard top that would fool even the best of eyes to believing it was a convertible.  A silver luggage rack on the back acted as a quick dab of personality to an already vibrantly energetic car.  The Buick had all the options and packages for 1996:  Leather seats, dual heating/AC, V6 200hp engine, sunroof, and a trunk release as a bright yellow button in the glove compartment.  I would sometimes mess with people and open the glove box on the highway and ask them to not touch that button or else.  The mystery on everyone’s eyes was tantalizing while driving.  Maybe it was a true Batman Mobile and there was an eject button.

Even writing this comes to pass as very difficult.  I’m sad to pass on such a reliable car after 6 years of use.  That car has been through a lot of roadtrips and has been a part of my personality for the past years.  It’s my first car I feel in love with.  She got all of the nicknames and all of the banter from my friends.  Some of the nicknames include:  Phil Mobile, Shag Wagon, Big Comfy, Bat Mobile, Ol’ Faithful, and many many more.  The only real name I needed to describe her was friend.  We fought a few times, but the only things that ever went wrong were minor and nothing wasn’t fixable with a few Benjamins.

She had a serpentine belt drop on the highway and I lost all power once.  Had a brake pad fall out on the highway (but I blame the mechanic).  And she lost control of her body control module.  Other than that she has been the best car for 6 years.  Those are the boring stories.

Places Old Faithful has been are numerous.  She’s been parked on the streets of Philadelphia, Johnstown, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Ohio, Toronto, New York, OhioPyle Park, and many many more places I’ve lost in the thought that moments last forever.

I’ve even almost had both of us get killed before.  Scene: Highway, incident: ice cream.  Jon and I were driving on the highway and we had just switched to Jon taking the wheel.  We had also just bought ice cream.  However, Jon’s cup had just flipped and landed on the carpet.  As Jon reached to grab his cup his hand dragged the wheel to the left and almost sent us into a sideways screech in the medium.  Luckily I noticed in time and stopped him from destroying Big Comfy.  There isn’t a time I won’t think fondly of her.  She’s been my get a away car for life and done a wonderful job.  She’s caught the tears in my eyes after many practices at Drexel Vidas Athletic Complex.  She’s sat in traffic with me for 3 hours during beach season on the renowned Philadelphia highway.  She has been a home to sleep when I had too much alcohol and couldn’t work with her to get home.  Even so she’s been beaten up by Philadelphia and had her mirror kicked off from a few belligerent students, but she took well to some epoxy glue and stuck with me through it all.  I’ve given her the love she deserves and she’s given it to me in return.

The best of times were when her AC just didn’t have the power anymore and we were both cooking.  I’d have my driving clothes and I’d sit and bake out in the car while driving home sitting in Philadelphia traffic on my way home from work.  What were my ‘driving’ clothes?  Well, those were a pair of shorts and sunglasses.  I even got a few honks and once a person yelled explicitly at me to put some ‘Fu*&%#*’ clothes on.  My response was a chuckle and a ‘No AC Bro…relaxx’.  She really does like a good tan with the 5-65 air conditioning.

Now I’ve passed her down the the next generation of family and I will see her maybe one or two more times before her time here on Earth has passed.  She’s out of my hands and on to a man named Richard.

I’m not perfect and I wish I wasn’t as attached as I am to material items, but the fact of life is we fall in love with the things around us.  I’ve spent just as many hours in that car as building my relationship with my fiancee to which I still love my fiancee more but the point gets across.  That’s a huge part of my life and that car was one of the things that kept me attached to this world.  I’ll miss her and I’ll never find a true replacement, but I will find the next beautiful automobile to fall in love with again.  Heck maybe it’s my new Mazda 3, maybe not, but someday…Last Car Picture.jpg

New blog name Popsicle Crunch.  I really like it, let me know if you like it or not

Email me at as well!  I even got the email name and might even buy the domain name here in a few months when I start working.

~Post, Share, Spread

~Popsicle Phil




Show Me Don’t Tell Me

Everyone talks about themselves, we (as ourselves) are the only book we’ve ever read every page with such detail.  A novel is 40,000 words, yet our thoughts are 50,000 to 70,000 per day!  So we talk about ourselves, a lot, and we take action, a lot.  Additionally, most people agree that actions speak louder than words.  So why is it that we all turn to talking in writing instead of showing?  Keep in mind I’m not a writer, but getting people to like you in email correspondence is crucial to success in a digital world.

From the following example which one sounds better:

I have a Masters in Engineering from the University of Dayton and I have done very well while enjoying school at the same time.  I have unique skills in engineering and have a very motivated personality.  I just got engaged to Steph and I am looking for jobs in the regional area of Philadelphia.  Give me a call for a job opportunity or to talk about potential projects.


After graduating from undergraduate school at Drexel, I was faced with a decision to find a job or pursue higher education like all budding young professionals.  I chose to go to graduate school and pursue a Masters from University of Dayton because I found an fond interest in learning a pursuit of higher knowledge.  During which time I found and fell in love with my fiancee Stephanie who is living in Philadelphia.  Give me a call anytime and I’d love to speak about opportunities across the region, and if you believe I have the personality and qualifications to succeed I would love to negotiate further details.

I hope the second one resonated more soundly.  Yes the second one took a little bit longer, but how much more powerful does that sound.  How many times growing up did our parents tell us, “Take out the trash”, “Do your dishes”, or “Clear the table?”  These fall in category one – Telling.  Your parents were telling you to do something.  Very direct method and maybe the most efficient.  However, human nature calls us in our brains to say “screw you man” I’m playing robots (at age 6 or even 60).  It doesn’t matter when we are told as people our first instinct is to say no.  Saying yes is a tax, it takes time and money to help someone else.  I’m not arguing we are all unwilling to help, but that our first reaction is to say no.

Now, the second phrase invokes a bit more depth to who I am as a person.  I’m not telling you that I am smart I’m telling you that I made the choice to go to graduate school because I value knowledge.  No education doesn’t equal smart, but the correlation is strong enough to get the message.  No I didn’t say I am a great fiancee in the second clause, but I am mentioning that I’m thinking of life as a dual person.  I’m not selfishly trying to mingle my way through life.

This may not be the greatest example, but try to think of ways in your life or even my past writing where I’ve told what to do and not necessarily shown what to do.  The line is very hard to balance in writing, but being able to tell stories in words is a talent that will help get the best of life for all of us.

Post, Spread, Share!







Can Competition Fix School Boredom?

How can we be globally competitive without ever competing?  Recently I was listening to the Freakonomics podcast.  Specifically I was listening to the Early Childhood Education is “Too Late?” episode.  A topic that was brought up was to make school competitive and show continuously updated progress bars and compete regionally.  One of the sub premises that I found intriguing in the podcast.

We always use metrics to compare school districts and rank them.  Parents and families are always looking to get into the best schools for the best education.  We don’t really need to explain why parents take school seriously, but do kids?

Kids could care less how their ranking was last year.  Children are the best at being able to live in the moment.  Think back to when you were in high school or even in grade school.  Did you know your class rank everyday? Did you know where you stacked up against others?  If you were like me in the generation of some online gradebooks than you knew two times a year at the end of the semester and end of the year.  And when you finally graduate and your high school rank is set in stone, you may find yourself thinking the same thing that I did wtextbookshen looking at your peers slightly ahead of yourself.  “Man I really messed up and should have tried harder”  The problem arises when there was no immediate reason for me in the moment to actually try harder or perform better.

We’d be hard pressed to argue that most children care what their ranking was last semester.  A student that is 15 years old, roughly 5% of their remembered lifespan was last semester (AKA a very long time).  Yes there is disappointment and jubilation of failures and successes in the moment of the gradecard, but most people learn to accept where they are and just move on living (1 day vs 5% of life).

If you were anything like me, you spent the semester ‘working’ hard to what you thought was your best (really just acceptable work) than getting feedback a week later if a test and then getting a grade card at the end of the year.  To be completely honest, I never looked at a test that was graded over a week old and even continued to do that through college.  All of that extra knowledge was wasted in red ink sinking in a landfill.  Immediate feedback is one of the most important things for school.  We’ve even known that immediate feedback is important for over a decade, so why not open a immediate feedback competition system in school seen everyday.

Anecdotally, there are some days that we are just on point.  We wake up and our hair is just right, our favorite outfit awaits limber body, and we just wake up loving the morning dew.  This doesn’t happen everyday, but that mood carries into our performance.  Quantifying that performance metric would teach us how to get better by recreating that similar mood and actions we choose on our ‘perfect’ day.

Don’t get me wrong, there will always be the top and the bottom if everyone is ranked.  So protecting people’s confidence who are at the bottom is definitely an issue.  Discouragement leading to quitting should be addressed; however, doesn’t that already happen in many of our schools?

But the benefits of the competition between students has yet to be used.  Competition flat out works.  It’s ingrained in our human nature.  So why not use competition to motivate students?  Competition has even been noted to decrease boredom, and let’s face the facts that a majority of students are flat out bored in school.  Competition is one of the best teaching mechanisms life has in store for us, to introduce competition to school could help US students become the best in the world and continue to keep America a great place to be.

That’s all I’ve got for the competitive school thought for the post.  I use to not be open to sharing (probably only Steph reads my posts right now).  However, feel free to let people know about me and even more so please write and respond.  I love to hear feedback, even if it’s negative.  Positive or negative will only help me grow, just make sure it’s immediate ;).

Enjoy One Thing Everyday!




New School Versus Old School Roadtrips

Do you remember what it was like planning a trip before the internet or even just before GPS?  If you do than you’re starting to be a rare breed.  Even if you are old enough to remember that time period maybe even you’ve forgotten how to use your brain and a map.  Technology is amazing and what the world of tech does for us to make our lives easier.

The other day it was an abnormally warm Sunday afternoon and I decided to take my new bike cleats and pedals for a spin.  It was my first time riding with clip ins and they sure are a lot more powerful.  However, my journey was symbolic to a stage of life that I’m going through and maybe we are both going through.

Here are the facts:  I knew were I was going, I knew where I was, and I didn’t know any roads in between.  The journey was roughly 15 miles and a comfortable drive on the highway, but the day was too nice of a day to sit in a smoggy car with excitement to hang out with my friend.

As I was riding I was reflecting on my life at the current moment and I was thinking how symbolic this specific bike ride was to my real life.  I am moving back to Philadelphia in a month to be with my fiancee and still looking for jobs.  Scary to not have a job lined up and move to a new city.  I’m not the first person to do something along these lines and it’s not even that crazy, but it’s crazy stressful.

The facts of my current life status:  I know where I am, I think I know where I’m going, and I have no idea how to get there.  I won’t say I know exactly where I’m going.  I’ve been so focused on finishing up the tasks (thesis, FE exam) in my current city before I leave.  Though the symbolism holds true when I started thinking about what was in my bag in regards to my life status to my bike ride status.

Any worst case scenario was completely taken care of whether the case was a flat tire, loose pedal or a wobbly seat.  Nothing was going to stop me from getting to my destination.  Technically there is always the risk of getting in an accident and stopping me from getting there, but that’s one of those things outside my realm of control.  I can’t control the drivers, but I can be a safe cyclist to prevent that from happening.

So let’s say I get a flat tire, than I’m going to get off my bike and replace the tube.  Easy peezy.  Let’s say I get super lost and don’t know where I’m going.  I can just pull out my phone and look up directions.  If the battery winds down, I can just find someone and ask for directions or a power source.  I couldn’t find a scenario that I couldn’t handle.  Now if there so happened a scenario I couldn’t handle.  I still had that phone I could call anyone in the world to help me with knowledge and expertise beyond my understanding at the current moment.  And since it was my first time using the clip in pedals with cleats, I wasn’t fully comfortable and ate concrete trying to get out of the pedal.  But I got back up and always will while I’m on Earth.  I can’t say I wasn’t super embarrassed from the large Toyota Truck next to me laughing, but that didn’t stop me from getting back up.

So while I was anxious about the journey the fact is that we have all the tools we need to make any journey of such sort.  If we have the vision to see a journey, while we might not see the path towards the end, we have all the tools we need to get there.  As also, if we don’t have the tools that we need.  There are roughly 8 billion people on the planet and one of them will have the tools we need to get to our destination.  The process is the most fun part of the journey because we have no idea what the journey holds, but the problem solving is the most fun we will have in life.  And if the worst case scenario happens and we are hit by a traumatic event (car for the bike ride), we are humans and highly adaptable and will figure out a new path and even higher destination we might never have seen.

Hope today’s post was enjoyable

~Phil if you have new or interesting ideas.  I’m also looking for jobs in engineering so there is that as well if you have any connections!



Enjoy a Little Exaggeration

Almost everyday we interact with people and how boring do we sometimes let our interaction become.  Now how many people around us asked the question today: “how are you doing?”, “What’s up?”, or “Howdy” (for those of us in the south)?  From this we have an automated response of “good and you?”.  Another option would to be sarcastic a bitter cold like April Ludgate in Parks and Rec, but I’m guessing that’s personality style isn’t for everyone.  My favorite option is to exaggerate the heck out of life.

If life gives us melons, than the melons caused us to search for some sugar. Opening the closet there was a rat so large I swear Texas was missing an animal from the zoo.  I spent all evening working on rat traps and booby trapping the kitchen so I didn’t die from rat droppings.

Let’s say we took a bike ride to Chipotle that was totally uneventful.  A more interesting exaggeration is I went on a bike ride and the road was causing my handlebars to shake when I got past 25mph.  While passing a group of basic teenagers texting one of the gave me a funny look, I think in the off colored jacket and goofy backpack she thought I was one of her high school teachers.

Or a bad situation: we forget a tie and borrow one from a friend.  How boring, unless that tie was worn in a clash of colors for the mythological times and the main goal was to get compliments despite the ugly nature of the tie.

All goofy and weird situations of which hint at my personality, but the point is that we have so much fluff time in life that nothing is going on and maybe there isn’t something to talk about in the moment.  Exaggerate and make a good story in those mundane moments.  I guarantee the most boring person in the world could take rocket science and turn our daily routine into something seeming more extravagant than a Disney movie.  Visa-a-versa the most interesting person in the world could take getting the mail from the mailbox attached to the house seem like a more hopeful trip than the time our favorite NFL team was in the Superbowl.  Details in story telling are all in the exaggeration we use. Larger than life metaphors are enjoyable whether we believe the exact details are irrelevant, enjoying the enamoring circumstances and emotions in a tale are the details of life.  We have 24 hours in the day and we barely remember what we ate the day before let alone our tasks that day.  Taking time to exaggerate life is enjoyable because sometimes a flair for the dramatic is what we need.

Everyone has exciting moments in their lives that don’t need exaggeration, but for those in between time enjoy them they are just as important and can be glamorized with a touch of play on thoughts.  Now, to try to follow my own spiel….ha.. I hope.  I listen to myself as much as a puppy listens to their master.  Goodluck.

Hope you enjoyed the short post!

~Philly Phil

Fraud or Magician Extraordinaire, Tim Ferriss and Other Similar People

“The 4-Hour Work Week” or “The 4-Hour Chef” even “The 4-Hour Body” are all complete lies.  Hey maybe even this article may be read and we might slightly believe them for a second that we don’t need savings in our twenties.  These ‘products’ or works are a culmination of appealing to the masses and trying to make our flaws seem like they are actually positive traits.

Everyone loves to hear the lies in life. Check out this article for anecdotal quotes and cartoon figures.  We don’t want to hear the things that we don’t want to, but we spend billions of dollars on sales pitches and people explaining ways to empower your life.

Don’t take the message wrong, the 4-Hour mentality is effective and works for certain aspects in life.  Heck it also works for some people in a niche way, but no one who puts only 4-hours into their passion never got further than their peers.  Effort takes many forms, not always the ‘hardest’ working is the one to succeed or the best form of effort.  Times in life require grinding out results or a product.

Self-Help is a huge genre in literature, and I have read many of those books because they are enlightening and powerful.  However, self-help and reading temporary self-promoting books are different.  When someone sells a ‘magic-trick’ to get people to like you or how to effectively do your job in 4-hours a week just aren’t true.  Yes there are studies on how working less makes us more effective, but it’s impossible to get a degree only using 4-hours in a week or run a reactor for making refined oil.  Processes take time and learning takes time.  Everything takes time, it’s the universal currency that we must spend in order to achieve our goals.

The boring aspects of life are part of the beauty of life.  “It isn’t a party if it happens everyday.”  There are a lot of hours in between that we should be using and enjoying.  The high times and entertaining times can’t happen constantly or life would then be relatively low all the time.  Imagine that we’ve spent a year using the best computer in the world and any person would love to use your computer.  However, since you’ve been living in the best going backwards in technology doesn’t make sense. The relative bar has been raised and the extremely high’s don’t seem so high.  Taken a step further the same concept applies to these ‘magic’ sauce recipes for life.  Take them for what they are.  They are going to make you feel motivated and important for a short time, but they aren’t recipes that last.  They are a quick fixes, not lifelong themes.

So what are the lifelong themes we should use?  Follow your passions, live an adventure, start a business, maybe dream to perform in theater?  Lifelong themes exist, but they don’t exist.  We all should make our own lifelong themes which are built from the short term lessons we learn.

The beauty is in the painting, but the work is in the strokes.  What takes 4minutes to look at takes hours to achieve.  The work is behind the scenes and the people who have created painting won’t mention the behind the scene adventures and bullshit they had to go through to get to their situation.


Millennials Are The Hardest Working Generation…..Maybe

Look, I’m a ‘millennial’ born in 1991.  I am very hard working, skilled, talented, smart, charismatic, funny, tech-savy, and I am not alone.  I am not an extraordinary human being and I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by the blessings of America during this era, but that doesn’t make me suck because I am a ‘millennial’.  I am very similar to many of my peers and fellow millennials in aspects of owning and being addicted to a smartphone, having gone to college, delaying purchasing a house, and even using my parents as a place of living after finishing my degree in Chemical Engineering.  However, the media is complete lies, Millennials Are Not The Cause of Any Economic Crisis or Societal Problems Different Than Any Previous Generations.  We are all a product of the environment just like everyone else in the world.  The largest environmental impact is the technology that developed rapidly as we were growing up.  We are the only generation to know life before the internet and in turn grow up parallel to the expansion of the world wide web.

This report for the White House was made and used to advise President Obama and guide his economic policy in regards towards millennials.  First, millennials make up a majority of the population and that 23-24 year old people are the most abundant.  That’s people like myself, learning to make a living just like everyone else and attempting to find fulfillment in our lives.  We are extremely young individuals only having lived ~20% of our lives and only remembering 12-15% of our average lifespan if the years before 5 are assumed to be forgotten, we are a huge part of this world.  If, as millennials, we are going to be ostracized and told as a collective group we suck, than there is a larger fundamental issue at hand and it’s not us. millennials I believe that it’s the understanding of who we are and the circumstances of how we are becoming who we are.

A large factor that needs addressed is the social media powerful nature.  At first glance one would think that the police suck, millennials are stupid (majority of users on social media), overindulgent, superficial, and whatever trend is most noticed at the time.  A vast majority of police officers are great people dubbed horrible by social media and the grimy situations their jobs require them to confront.  As also, I beg anyone to take a look at the facts and actually spend time with millennials because one will find that we are not what we post and the best of our generation are not represented on social media.  The most highly educated generation is the millennial generation with more and more of us going to college each year.  Keep in mind the basic curriculum has not changed drastically in most fields, therefore, classes may be easier, but it’s the same material that people were learning in higher education of the 1980’s.  Educated individuals have their ‘blonde’ moments, but for the most part social media presence in a highly negative way goes down with higher education (opinion not necessarily fact).  Social media shows us the entertaining stories, not the average or the good deeds that aren’t seeking attention.  Ask the young adult who volunteers at the local non-profit if he hashtags himself sweeping the floor?  Of course not, it’s not bragging material.  Ask the young professional how awesome it is to instagram waking up at 7am to beat the early morning traffic on his commute to work?  It’s boring and sucks, breakfast is much more important.  Facebook might as well be FakeBook and we are judging generations on opinions of what we see on these sites.  Just as an experiment, take a look at your personal Facebook.  Honestly ask yourself, doesn’t our own life look pretty awesome because all of our profile pictures were take at highlight moments?  The social media argument goes on many different paths, but in general social media is the porn of gossip.  It’s not the real life socializing an ‘boring’ interaction that we associated with the ‘good old days’.

So Millennials are lazy and don’t stick with their jobs for as long because they don’t know what commitment is.  This is because technology has made them overstimulated and they can’t handle routine because that work is beneath them.  That’s actually very false.  Take a look back at the list and you’ll find that we are staying at jobs on average longer than generation x’ers (1960’s to 1980’s birth year).  My personal experience with my peers is that we are willing and ready to work.  Since there is a current economic down turn we are willing to hold on to a good paying job longer.  Not only are we in a current down cycle, but we are in debt and the payments start instantly after we get that shiny diploma in that overpriced frame we thought was important to commemorate ourselves (which we know now is us getting sold another product).  Personally, I don’t find that aspect of millennials lazy, so how is that lazy?  We have a problem, debt, and we are willing to stick out jobs that we may not necessarily enjoy to make right on our college loan payments.  We are also not buying houses or mortgages like previous generations.  I believe this is due to debt.  One doesn’t want to have college debt and turn around and ask oneself if we’d want to take out another long term debt for a house.  Millennials are educated enough to know when the numbers aren’t viable, more loans doesn’t make sense.  Patience and trying to spend right is a high sign of maturity in life.  We are not trying to rush towards a house when the house doesn’t benefit our current lives.

Still convinced millennials suck? I hope not, but let’s look at some of the economic situations that happened while we are still learning to crawl in the world.  First, the Ipod was invented.  We were told by a product the word I.  We were being marketed to be narcissistic from the beginning of Apple and similar companies.  And our parents bought the products for us!  The lucky few didn’t have the money or had to earn the money working like myself.  Personalized trophies were bought left and right which included all kinds of products:  Ipods, Iphones, Computers, Legos, Video Games, and many more products.  You name it and it could be personalized to be yours and they were relatively cheap, but the personalized feeling didn’t have a price, yet.  All of our products were made to make us feel as if we are the most important individual to walk to Earth, which is hard to resist, but tell that to my Android who calls me Awesome when I ask it my name (yes I set it that way for the humor).  We were marketed to be narcissistic because it feeds into selling more products and building economy.  Yes, narcissism is bad, but can we be at complete fault?  These newfound dilemmas with personal products and internet exposure weren’t well understood and as young individuals were allowed to make our own judgements.  Some of us were going to be left behind with narcissism because the power and freedom affected us at a young age.  However, that is not the majority of us.  Most of us are just like me, looking to find fulfillment and genuine confidence in themselves.

Looking back in comparison, what was the American Dream 20 years ago?  My best guesstimate from reading and searching is similar to these lines:  “Find a well paying job to support my family, buy a house and own property, have a family, and achieve a better life for my kids.”  Nothing is wrong with the old version of the American dream, but I think millennials are getting smarter.  We are observing the world and becoming conscientiously aware whether we know what we are doing or not.  We have noticed that divorce rates are higher, so we wait to get married later in life which has scientifically been studied and known to be better.  We have seen the corporate latter be cruel to our parents, so we look to forge our own paths, so be that it requires us to open our own businesses and take a risk (millennials have learned and developed crowdfunding never seen previously).  So be it that the world dubs the millennials as a ‘sucky’ generation because that is not a fact.  We are individuals and we have ample experiences to add to the world even in our short lived lives thus far.  We have a tremendous amount of lessons to learn since we are still young, but we must first fall and be put down before we lead the future.  Soon enough millennials if some not already will be world leaders having true influence.  I believe in my generation, there are many talented individuals growing up right now who are millennials, who will change this world.


Thanks for tuning in!

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